Do You Need a Degree to Find a Job in Corporate America?
You’ve worked your way up throughout your career, attaining a high-level rank through demonstrated achievement, dedication, and proficiency. One day, you find yourself needing to look elsewhere, and that’s where the old nagging doubt sets in: you never finished (or even started) college. What if this holds you back?

First of all, relax. There exist countless professionals, managers, and even executives who do not possess a degree, yet these same job seekers successfully ascend the career ladder just the same. What’s their secret? Much the same as you, their bottom-line contributions and hard work had become a stand-in for that coveted diploma.

Keep in mind that, as you pursue that next opportunity, there are a myriad of ways to pique an employer’s interest and win interviews, starting with the approach presented on your resume:

Quantify Your Contributions. Extracting accomplishment information of significance can be a challenge, but consider the payoff! Your resume must shout out this type of information in order to prove the consistency of your performance.

For example, when working with a telecommunications executive lacking a degree, I discussed his leadership role in a high-profile project. The end product, “Eliminated $34M in rework, slashed staff requirements for task completion, and achieved 78+% ROI by leading sales and service delivery teams to identify core revisions” speaks for itself and cuts through any doubt about his abilities.

Add professional training as proof of ongoing development. Many well-established professionals have attended hours of seminars, training sessions, and other educational opportunities in order to sharpen their core expertise.

Be sure to keep a complete list as fodder for an educational section on the resume—and as evidence of your passion for lifelong learning.

Showcase your ability to meet—and overcome—challenges in your previous roles. What shape was your current employer in upon your arrival? Were you the sole source of measures that increased efficiency? Did you manage a major, multimillion-dollar account or enhance the company’s reputation with its vendors?

Adding the context in which these achievements were completed can paint an entirely new picture of your strengths. Don’t forget that these types of leadership examples can add punch to your resume and demonstrate repeatable skills.

In summary, establishing a link between your expertise and consistent performance is the fastest way to gain attention during your job search. Consider that for every employer who wants candidates to possess a degree, there are possibly two others that will look at your “on-the-job education” as equivalent (and possibly stronger) credentials.