Level Up Your Personal Branding
Level Up Your Personal Branding
Taking control of what recruiters and hiring authorities find when they search for your name online isn’t just smart — but critical in today’s digital and global job search landscape.

So, what have you done to steer your online image the right way?

We'll, let's see...


You are probably on LinkedIn. Yes? Great. No?


You have a Facebook account. Good! Maybe.

Be careful with what you post online because once it is online, it stays online. Even if you delete it, it stays online somewhere.

The other day, I was focused on retrieving a picture I deleted on my mobile (which syncs automatically with my online social media sites by default. Who knew? Yikes!). Interestingly and disappointingly, I found an app to do just that! I couldn’t believe it. It was the one occasion during which I, partially, hoped my online search yielded no solutions.


You have developed your own website. Right?  I know you haven’t. This brings me to the point of leveling up your brand.

Level UP Your Online Personal Branding Campaign

You must purchase your name as a domain today and begin to develop your personal branding website as soon as possible.


Beyond controlling search results, you will position yourself as an expert. As a top-tier executive, you are also in your line of work to be perceived as an authority in your industry or discipline — the guy or gal they MUST call to get results. Building a website not only hands you the ‘wheel’ to your own online brand, but it will ascend your leadership reputation to the next level, especially if you take up blogging (more in the next post). It is also a great career management tool.

  • Buy your domain name. Make sure you get the .org and .net extensions, too.
  • Choose a web hosting company that offers support and competitive pricing with decent bandwidth allocated to your site.
  • Hire a web developer to design a search engine and mobile-friendly website.
  • Partner with a content writer who specializes in blending career marketing with SEO (search engine optimization) tactics.
  • Solicit a career coach to help ensure your content development and web design is on-brand; and that it appeals to hiring authorities in your target industry.